You'll either love this or hate it. Or like me not be able to make up your mind. ENC

All Doors


Writers should write every day.  

You don't have to write well every day, some days writing shit is okay,  but you do have to write every day even if it's just a sentence take a chance a let your ideas free. 

Here's a prompt to maybe help you get your creative juices flowing. 

The sound of the door slamming echoed through....

Start with that and see where it takes you. Feel free to post your brilliance in the comments section. Or if you're really on the jazz finish a whole story or flash and submit it to us for publication.


If you need something to do while hiding from your relatives in the next few days you should check this out  The Star Wars Holiday special is the worst thing Lucas ever did, yes way worse than Jar Jar. On the bright side it has space porn and entire scenes in Wookie.
Well we survived another doomsday, time to write.
You'v got to see this. We can't guarantee it won't cause bleeding of the ears and brain damage, but it is deliciously bad.