Enough Said.


Go ahead and finish this thought. Feel free to  post your ideas in  the comments below.

Blue Monday


The great thing about writing is that your mind wanders. This retro fitted school bus makes me have mental wanderlust in the best way. Being digital I'd need satelite internet, but other than that I'm ready to go. ENC
Why does something so simple seem so profound when Henry Miller says it? Of course we're not living up to our potential and of course we have to save ourselves, but we're far too busy avoiding either of these simple truths to actually act on them. We need to start living real lives rather than holotropic ones, and we need to start writing about them and each other. ENC
We are seriously fucking doomed. This was a  network talk show back in the 60's. No paternity tests or chair throws just genius talk. No wonder there aren't flying cars in 2013 we've become to fucking stupid to even make intelligent TV let alone anything else.